• MAGAZINE HOMEWORK: Talk all the photos for your 3 pages TV Drama Homework: Write a 2 side exam style analysis of any 10 minute tv drama you have seen. Focus on the representations of age: now if you dont get A*s in your exams you cant blame me!
    Right then we are going to have to change our schedule of tasks due to the shocking apathy that has descended over this class and the work you have produced !

    No one has completed their photoshoots or masthead designs !!

    They must be up on your blogs when we return from Christmas ! Otherwise people are going to get kicked off the course

    You must have

    4 or 5 different masthead designs all evaluated and a clear favourite selected.

    3 or 4 different photoshoots in different locations with around 30 potential photos in total.
    Find a way to host them on you blog by using a photo hosting website like flickr / picassa or something else.

    Remember what we said about taking great photos ! This isn’t a passport or driver’s license photo. It’s a portrait!!!!

    Some websites for inspiration :




    Right go and enjoy taking some great photos and make sure it gets done please !!!

  • So i just made thsi so you could see how you are currently progressing and also how to sort your media lives out !!!

    Get into school. Open Book. Study hard. Go home !

    Jeeezz ...Seriously !

    Oh and also have a look at this girls blog ... its an example of A level research .. maybe have a look at it and think "why is it better than mine?"

  • Homework for Friday: Following on from todays lesson: Find 3 points for each of the 4 sections and use this clip and the booklet to help you analyse using media terminology
  • I was a bit worried after our chat / lesson about editing ! this video might help a bit ! Ok, so here for you is an amazing revision guide made by me ! It took me ages ! Well not really i stole it from another school but still .. ANALYSING TV DRAMA REVISION BOOKLET
  • Well first of all well done every one for being on time and well behaved and all that last Friday. The trip to teh BFI Study Day on the Film Industry in preparation for your exam module was really useful and even though it was a lot of talking was a really valuable chance to hear people speak about the industry.

    Apart from Emma's running for teh bus nobody embarrassed themselves too much!

    Now you have no excuses not to know what the differences are between independant and mainstream cinema and also how to market a major blockbuster.

  • So in preparation for our trip tomorrow here are some really useful websites for film industry revision throughout the year......

    Dont forget these .. ever !

  • Alright ladies, as Ms Heywood is in a meeting period 1 the lesson is taking place online today ! Basically you need to write a written exam style repsonse to this question:
    How does the following clip construct representations of gender?

    In an exam you would get to watch this 4 times But you have to write 2 sides of A4 explaining the different techniques: Under these headings:

    Camera Shots
    Mise en scene

    Bring in your written work next lesson (thursday)
  • Even though its not even half term yet..its still possible to revise ! Just to stop you spending money on media books i have found the important stuff for you (See below)..arent I great ! TV Drama OCR Text Book Chapter Important TV glossary !! tv drama : Glossary
  • This is for anyone who missed the last couple fo sessions on Film and TV analysis... they might not mean that much without the teacher and student feedback but anyway...
  • So i hope you have created 5 new mastheads and selected the best one for your school magaizne. Be prepared to evaluate and explaion your decisions..

    Task 2 :

    Have a look at this guys finished AS media blog:


    List all the different stuff he has put on his blog... summarise why he will be getting a better mark than your blogs will at the moment ... (its not hard!!!)
  • Here is an actual company trying to make an issue of their magazine. Look how much work and planning goes in..

    This is what you need to do just for your school mag..

    Year 12: School Magazine Checklist for blog :

    Research :
    Names + Fonts
    Flat plans:
    Photos plans / locations / props / actors

    Photos :
    Different photos
    Annotations / evaluations
    Final Selections

    Finished Product :
    Front page
    Contents page

    Notes on the process
    Notes on finished product
  • Emma you need to catch up with this stuff :

    1. Sign up for dropbox / scribd / slideshare ..you are going to need to use these websites in future so its important you sign up for them.

    2. Complete a quick magazine cover attempt in photoshop and upload it to your blog:

    3. Analyse a magazine cover 'how does this magazine cover attract its target audeince' and upload it to your blog:

    4. Put 4 pictures on your blog of magazine covers you think are 'cool' and explain why

    Once you have done that you can have a look at the weekly deadline claendar soon to come on this blog so you can get yourself organised
  • Year 12 Questions to answer: these need to go on your blogs

    What is the definition of Magazine?

    What types/genres of magazines can you think of?

    There are hundreds of different types of magazines but what are the common elements of all or most of them:

    Why do you think we have magazines?

    Do magazines appear and emerge because of audience needs or the needs of media institutions?

    Can you think of one way you think Magazines will change in the next 50 years?

  • Right so we now have around 5 students!!
    Thats a good number and if we can keep it like that you should all do really well. You need to .. buy yourself a nice ring binder folder for all your work sheets create you own blog and tell me the url address attend every lesson on time. It was great to see you all learning the new terminology today and getting involved. We are going to start making magazines soon so you might actually need to read some! Cheers Mr Sloan
  • Bad representations

  • Wow im actually really excited about this...haggerston Media has arrived.