• Emma you need to catch up with this stuff :

    1. Sign up for dropbox / scribd / slideshare ..you are going to need to use these websites in future so its important you sign up for them.

    2. Complete a quick magazine cover attempt in photoshop and upload it to your blog:

    3. Analyse a magazine cover 'how does this magazine cover attract its target audeince' and upload it to your blog:

    4. Put 4 pictures on your blog of magazine covers you think are 'cool' and explain why

    Once you have done that you can have a look at the weekly deadline claendar soon to come on this blog so you can get yourself organised
  • Year 12 Questions to answer: these need to go on your blogs

    What is the definition of Magazine?

    What types/genres of magazines can you think of?

    There are hundreds of different types of magazines but what are the common elements of all or most of them:

    Why do you think we have magazines?

    Do magazines appear and emerge because of audience needs or the needs of media institutions?

    Can you think of one way you think Magazines will change in the next 50 years?

  • Right so we now have around 5 students!!
    Thats a good number and if we can keep it like that you should all do really well. You need to .. buy yourself a nice ring binder folder for all your work sheets create you own blog and tell me the url address attend every lesson on time. It was great to see you all learning the new terminology today and getting involved. We are going to start making magazines soon so you might actually need to read some! Cheers Mr Sloan
  • Bad representations

  • Wow im actually really excited about this...haggerston Media has arrived.