• Alright ladies, as Ms Heywood is in a meeting period 1 the lesson is taking place online today ! Basically you need to write a written exam style repsonse to this question:
    How does the following clip construct representations of gender?

    In an exam you would get to watch this 4 times But you have to write 2 sides of A4 explaining the different techniques: Under these headings:

    Camera Shots
    Mise en scene

    Bring in your written work next lesson (thursday)
  • Even though its not even half term yet..its still possible to revise ! Just to stop you spending money on media books i have found the important stuff for you (See below)..arent I great ! TV Drama OCR Text Book Chapter Important TV glossary !! tv drama : Glossary
  • This is for anyone who missed the last couple fo sessions on Film and TV analysis... they might not mean that much without the teacher and student feedback but anyway...
  • So i hope you have created 5 new mastheads and selected the best one for your school magaizne. Be prepared to evaluate and explaion your decisions..

    Task 2 :

    Have a look at this guys finished AS media blog:


    List all the different stuff he has put on his blog... summarise why he will be getting a better mark than your blogs will at the moment ... (its not hard!!!)
  • Here is an actual company trying to make an issue of their magazine. Look how much work and planning goes in..

    This is what you need to do just for your school mag..

    Year 12: School Magazine Checklist for blog :

    Research :
    Names + Fonts
    Flat plans:
    Photos plans / locations / props / actors

    Photos :
    Different photos
    Annotations / evaluations
    Final Selections

    Finished Product :
    Front page
    Contents page

    Notes on the process
    Notes on finished product