• I knew it someone else cares about Media Education other than me !!


    It is not sufficient to leave media education to the individual enthusiastic teacher. As leading UK media educationist Cary Bazalgette says: “If media education is worth having, then everyone should have it.”

    Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhh wot she said etc etc !


    So after the great success of Film club in its first half term i have decided to let the year 10 seniors make a trailer each week for the upcoming movie. Next week on monday we will be watching ....
  • Year 10s you need to finish your coursework analysis of two magazines over half term. You could use the two below or get your own ones.

  • So i know your al filming your projects but its important to keep aware of ideas and techniques used in professional products. Here is a nice article highlighting some of the year's best videos:


  • I still haven't received all of your url addresses for your blogs yet so make sure you let me know what they are please.

    When you have done that you can have a go at this:

    Creating random CD covers:

    To get the name of your band you need to use this link:

    Whatever comes up that is the name of your group / artist

    Then do it again , this will give you the name of your Album

    Then find a random picture from this site: 

    When you have them try and combine them in photoshop or even in word

    Then post the best ones at your blog

    My best effort is above. Hopefully yours will be better.
  • Homework:

    After today's lesson on camera shots you need to analyse a scene from a movie or tv drama and comment on how the director has used camera shots.

    Here is an example:
    Yours sshuld be at least 4 or 5 slides in power point . Post them on your blog before thursday:

  • Magazine Analysis. Using the new terminology you have learnt today and the old skills you have practiced concerning Connotations. You need to analyse 2 magazine covers (that have different target audiences). Answering this question.

    'How have these magazine covers been designed to target their audiences?'

    This needs to be done for next Thursday.

    You could choose the two below or two of your choice


  • So an amazing montage style video from Chase & Status that is a homage to 90s rave culture :

    It fulfils some of the key criteria of the videos you are trying to make:

    1. It doesn't actually have anyone miming the words directly addressing the camera (youdont have to do this)
    2. Its a great example of how to take a potentially reptitive and boring technique like montage  and make it lively and exciting
    3. The vibe of the visuals matches that of the song
    4. It has lots of really interesting / fun exciting people and places / things to look at
    5. Its all set in places you could go to with normal everyday people mostly
    6. The storyline is extremely simple. Almost invisible !
    7. Its made on the cheap (although that adds to the quality of it)
    8. It almost looks amateurish but still feels professional
    9. Its fast paced and shows how you need loads of footage in order to keep your audience's attention
    I could go on.. however it is a great video and you should try and keep watching videos from your genre all the time in order to steal cool ideas and be influenced by professionals.

    Keep up the good work so far guys.. your videos are looking great !

  • So today's lesson will be looking at Mise en Scene in more detail:

    Here is a clip i want you to write a short response:

    'How did the director (Ridley Scott) manipulate mise en scene in this scene to create an impact on the audience?'

  • So we have officially started our production. You are going to make a school magazine and then a music magazine. One day, if you do well in AS media you could be working for an actual magazine company like this one below.
  • The illusion of choice. Pseudo-Individualisation. Democratisation. All of these things we will cover in today's lesson. Hopefully this will be something you keep in mind when studying the film industry this year. An example of how repetitive and formulaic Hollywood can be is below. After watching it errr ..get out of here !