• As part of your research you should try and familiarise yourself with other students' work from other schools. What grade do you thin these would get and why?
    Here is an excellent blog: Grade A and here is one that err.. isn't very excellent

  • So for your case studies you need to pick two films that demonstrate different sides of the industry. One should be a huge blockbuster type production and the other a much smaller independent film. But what does actually make a film British:

    So 'but what is a case study?' i hear you cry well here is a good example: Yours should be like this and explain key facts aroudn teh key stages of the film cycle. PRODUCTION > DISTRIBUTION > EXHIBITION . Any questions then comment here. Good luck

  • Ok so its only fair we look at masculinity after we explored femininity yesterday.

  • Are Mainstream Media Representations of women overwhelmingly negative?

    At least 2 sides of A4
    Intro (outline concerns initial arguments)
    Uses theories (Male Gaze, Goffman's theory, Bechdel test)
    Lots of examples from a range of media
    Explains the key arguments
    Counter arguments
    Conclusion (summary, your view, how can it change etc)

    If you need any more help with writing this then come and see me for more help

  • Yr10 blog marking :

    George : 
    No work on blog only a couple of posts needs to Post up his coursework so that we can see progress. 0/10

    Diana : 
    Plans blog is excellent well thought out and uses analytical language and the coursework is of a really strong quality very good piece of work in general.9/10

    Her blog is basic has nothing on it and is in desperate need of some work 0/10

    She has no work on her blog and needs to very quickly because the coursework Mark is now zero! 0/10

    Is blog has nothing on it shows you done no work and his coursework mark is zero not good enough 0/10

    Is blog has nothing on it shows you done no work and his coursework mark is zero not good enough! 0/10

    Is blog has nothing on it shows you done no work and his coursework mark is zero not good enough! 0/10

    His blog has one picture on it and very little else the coursework mark Is zero because it hasn't been uploaded to the blog. not good enough! 0/10

    Tammy's blog has lots of nice pictures on it but very little else there is no coursework so I cannot give any marks and it must improve. 0/10

    His blog has two very small posts and nothing else .no coursework so 0/10

    His blog has half a piece of coursework on or one half which need improving his blog has nothing else on it except a few pictures needs to improve and I must hand in the second piece of coursework 4/10

    Her blog contains two pictures of herself and nothing to do with coursework this must change and she must improve her coursework.0/10

    His blog has lots of work about basketball but nothing to do with the work we were studying he must upload his coursework to this blog immediately 0/10

    A decent attempt at blog with a couple of relevant posts he has uploaded his coursework which is of good quality but still could be improved 7/10

    Good blog that has two pieces of coursework on well done but your coursework can be improved 7/10

    Jessica : 
    Excellent blog that contains the two pieces of her first coursework and nice attempts at the CD covers and generally very good start. 7/10

    Stevie : 
    Interesting blog but no coursework this must change as her grade will be 0/10

  • So hopefully (if Georgina remembers to bring her DVD in) we will be watching Pulp Fiction on Monday after school. Its quite long so if people get tired we might watch it over two weeks. It's an incredible film featuring amazing performances and hilarious. creative dialogue. Surely one of the greatest breakthrough independent mainstream cross over hits of all time.. i'll stop talking now..

    Just come and watch it, bring yourselves, bring a friend, but most of all bring some popcorn !
  • UPDATES UPDATES UPDATES !! This is your major problem ! There is nowhere near enough information on your blogs. Your blogs are the most improtant thing in your lives right now !!!

    I am sending them off to the examiner so please update them !!

    You must finish the FRONT COVER + CONTENTS PAGE and do three updates !

    If not there will be serious consequences ! Err..... Seriously !

    This is a picture of Hard work !
  • Some theory for you :


    Read it, that's all !
  • Here is a great competition for you to enter:

    The theme is : superheroes !

    Surely you can make and amazing 1 minute film and win this therefore catapulting yourself into international stardom ??


  • After our amazing trip to the BFI i know you all raring to go and jump into a pil;e of books and articles about the british film industry so i thought i would give you a few helpful links here.

    Remember this is a research and presentation of knowledge based task so teh person who knows the most and has the most interesting facts and case study examples will get the best grade. You get few marks for style and grammar etc so dont think you can rock up on the day and ace this. You actually need to know stuff.. this isnt Maths !

    (sorry maths department)

    Anyway here are some brilliant links to help you:




  • Ok here it is the amazing, brilliant, badly spelt collection of editing clips.

    Well done though , this is decent work for one lesson!

    Year 12 students try and exemplify all known editing techniques ... ex from Mr Sloan on Vimeo.

  • Thanks to all the class (minus 3 who missed out) who came to the year 12 study day at the British Film Institute last Friday for a study and preperation day for your upcoming exam on the British Film Industry. It was great to see you all asking questions infront of you peers and enjoying talking about the film industry and  listening so well to actual real people who work in the industry rather than just your teacher telling you about it.

    Im sure you had a great day. Hopefully you learnt a lot to get you thinking about your research projects on British vs Hollywood film.

    Here is a trailer for a film we will probably watch soon, its this year's 'fish tank' apparently:

  • So at the end of last term you guys completed a short mock exam style analysis, and generally it was very pleasing to see you all attempt it so well. For your first effort at this kind of exam you all did well. In today's lesson we will be analysing the clip in a bit more detail in order to get you thinking about the techniques involved and also going over exam technique.

    I had a go at screen capturing some analysis of the clip , but its a bit embarrassing so i will leave it for you guys to do this afternoon !

    Mise en scene primeval analysis 1 from Mr Sloan on Vimeo.