• Friday 12th February 4pm:

     Year 12 Magazines -  Front Cover and Contents page (all research and production based posts).

    Year 13 - Opening Scene (first 30 seconds) of Music video to be submitted on group blog.

    Final Production Deadlines: 

    Full Finished Magazine (Front page, contents page and DPS) all on blogs by Friday 4th March 4pm 

    Finished 3-4 minute music video (no more editing possible after this date)  Friday 11th March 4pm 

  • Skype call - ben magazine eval from Haggerston Media on Vimeo.

    Feel free to embed this into your blogs so you can show professional evaluation and feedback for your projects

    Ben did comment on how your projects all looked really good so well done

    This is where Ben works :


  • DUE : next monday 1st Feb

    Apply representation theories to your Music video. 25marks

  • So to help with your obvious diffiuclties on the mock exam topic of hardware here is an excellent blog post:
