• Year 12: Homework

    Magazine Analysis. Using the new terminology you have learnt today and the old skills you have practiced concerning Connotations. You need to analyse 2 magazine covers (that have different target audiences). Answering this question.

    'How have these magazine covers been designed to target their audiences?'

    This needs to be done for next Thursday.

    You could choose the two below or two of your choice


    5 comments → Year 12: Homework

    1. http://dilasmedia.blogspot.co.uk/

    2. http://lovemycommet.blogspot.co.uk/

    3. http://www.dianasahin.blogspot.co.uk/

    4. http://www.dianasahin.blogspot.co.uk/ - diana

    5. http://www.mediadiana.blogspot.co.uk/ diana new blog name

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