• Year 10 blogs - marks

    Yr10 blog marking :

    George : 
    No work on blog only a couple of posts needs to Post up his coursework so that we can see progress. 0/10

    Diana : 
    Plans blog is excellent well thought out and uses analytical language and the coursework is of a really strong quality very good piece of work in general.9/10

    Her blog is basic has nothing on it and is in desperate need of some work 0/10

    She has no work on her blog and needs to very quickly because the coursework Mark is now zero! 0/10

    Is blog has nothing on it shows you done no work and his coursework mark is zero not good enough 0/10

    Is blog has nothing on it shows you done no work and his coursework mark is zero not good enough! 0/10

    Is blog has nothing on it shows you done no work and his coursework mark is zero not good enough! 0/10

    His blog has one picture on it and very little else the coursework mark Is zero because it hasn't been uploaded to the blog. not good enough! 0/10

    Tammy's blog has lots of nice pictures on it but very little else there is no coursework so I cannot give any marks and it must improve. 0/10

    His blog has two very small posts and nothing else .no coursework so 0/10

    His blog has half a piece of coursework on or one half which need improving his blog has nothing else on it except a few pictures needs to improve and I must hand in the second piece of coursework 4/10

    Her blog contains two pictures of herself and nothing to do with coursework this must change and she must improve her coursework.0/10

    His blog has lots of work about basketball but nothing to do with the work we were studying he must upload his coursework to this blog immediately 0/10

    A decent attempt at blog with a couple of relevant posts he has uploaded his coursework which is of good quality but still could be improved 7/10

    Good blog that has two pieces of coursework on well done but your coursework can be improved 7/10

    Jessica : 
    Excellent blog that contains the two pieces of her first coursework and nice attempts at the CD covers and generally very good start. 7/10

    Stevie : 
    Interesting blog but no coursework this must change as her grade will be 0/10

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