• Year 12 : Great Film Industry opportunity .. and its Free !

    I have just recieved this email from the people at Hackney Picture House:

    Industry Insiders: Free course about the film industry at Hackney Picturehouse for 15-19 year olds as part of the Discover Young Hackney festival

    Want to find out more about working in the film industry?  Meet film distributors, programmers, cinema managers, film distributors, festival organisers, film reviewers, marketing bods and of course filmmakers in a 6 week course giving you an exclusive insight into careers in the film industry.

    Our Industry Insiders will also get to curate, promote and deliver two special screenings as part of the DISCOVER YOUNG HACKNEY festival with support from the Hackney Picturehouse.

    The course will run every Wednesday from 15th Jan - 19th February (6 weeks) from 6-9pm at Hackney Picturehouse, 270 Mare Street, Hackney, London E8 1HE.

    To register for a FREE place for the course, email Leah Byrne at leah.b@picturehouses.co.uk with your name, age and telephone number and a few words about why you would like to be involved.

    Places are limited, and will be allocated by Friday 10 January.


    Leah Byrne

    Audience Development Manager

    You should all apply immediatley ! This is a great opportunity for you to get much needed help for your research project that you will present in your exam. Let me know if you have any questions but really just get emailing that email address above and ask for a place.

    Good Luck

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