• Yr13 : Extra exam section 1 help

    Hi chaps, so this is some help for you in preparing for the section 1 part of the exam.

    Remember in the exam:

    §Section A- Theoretical Evaluation of Production
    ú2 compulsory questions
    úQ1a – about YOU – reflective evaluation of your skill development – AS & A2
    úQ1b – about THE WORK – concept analysis of either AS or A2 projects
    ú30 mins to write each answer – at least 2 sides per answer – write fast!
    §Section B – Contemporary Media Issues - Postmodern Media
    úChoice of 2 questions on WeMedia
    úAnswer 1 only
    ú1 hour to write answer – at least 4 sides
    úAnswers must focus on at least 2 media e.g. film and music video
    úAnswers must refer to the past, the present and predict for the future

    Below is a specimen paper from Question 1a and b and an example answer from a student who did fairly well. I have also put a slideshow that explains the basics of the exam (its from another school but its all the same information really).

    Remember the different categories of things that could come up are as follows :

    1a ) how have your skills developed in relation to :
    Digital Technology / Creativity / Planning + Research / Post production / Using conventions of real media texts

    1b) How has your product demonstrated use of :
    Genre  / Narrative / Representation / Audience / Media Language

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