• Yr 12 : half lesson cover work - Period 5 today

    During the first half of period 5today you need to : Use your phones to capture 5-6 phone interviews people talking about the content of your blog and the pages you have made so far.

     In TV News these are called 'Vox-pops' just little clips of people giving their opinion to camera. If they don't want their faces to appear on camera then just record their voices.

     You will need these clips in the following half of the lesson so its important you do this well.

     Ask them questions that will lead to constructive answers about your work so far and the work you hope to do in the future.

     NOTE: You need to work in places that are away from the corridors as this doesn't give you permission to walk around schools using your phones as you please.


    If you finish this then try and upload them to your blog and leave 5 comments on other student blogs.

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