• Year 13 : We media lesson 15/3/15

    Task 1:

    Read this Article: 

    Then briefly  explain what the author has talked about in each of these sections. (Write thsi down in a sort of essay plan

    1. Intro: 
    2. Main arguments 'For the internet'
    3. Main Arguments against the internet
    4. Case studies?
    5. Conclusion

    Do you agree with her arguments ? The next thing you need to do is leave a comment on the bottom of the page. Yes that's right comment ! Actually use web2.0 to say something ! 

    the person who's comment gets the most likes or generates the most online response by next week is the winner! 

    TASK 2 :

    Read this article (and look at the amazing photos!)


    Make notes under these headings

    1. Surveillance
    2. Protest
    3. Gezi Park case study

    Before you read decide your answer to the initial question. By the end have you changed or altered your opinion.

    Machines of loving grace documentary:


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