• 19.12.13
     TO DO LIST:

    1.  Update audience feedback / research on blog
    2.  Flat plans for all 3 pages (front, content, DPS)
    3.  All plans for photos uploaded to blog:
    -    Locations
    -    Models
    -    Health and safety
    -    Props and costume
    (do this for all 3 pages)

    4. Sketch rough versions of photos and put them on blog
  • http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/06/swedish-cinemas-bechdel-test-films-gender-bias

    "You expect movie ratings to tell you whether a film contains nudity, sex, profanity or violence. Now cinemas in Sweden are introducing a new rating to highlight gender bias, or rather the absence of it.To get an A rating, a movie must pass the so-called Bechdel test, which means it must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man."

    So in Sweden movies have to pass the test in order to shown or made ! Maybe we should introduce that here in the UK? I don't think its going to happen though!

    The article above does raise some good points towards the end about the problems of using this kind of simple rule to decide whether a movie is 'good for gender' or not

    Will it make a difference? Who knows but at least it will make people think about the issue next time they go the cinema.

  • We havent really covered this topic yet but i found this website today that lets you rent new movies and thought it was too important to forget. Especially as this is a huge part of your exam andyour case study films may have used this type of distribution model. Anyway it might be something you talk about in your exam:


    For instance you could watch one of this years greatest movies now on this page without even thinking about it. For money though obviously!

  • Today you should be ready to present your two case study films. Studying and researching this should be fun: Just like marketing movies obviously is for these two actors :

    Instead of standing up and talking through them i thought it might be better if you spent the time learning how to organise and manage your film notes on your blog:

    You need to:

    1. create a new page of your blog
    2. Then upload your presentation to it.
    3. Then visit at least 6 other blogs from people in the class and comment on their presentations / research

    Then once you have done that and you are happy with your blog your are going to try and find as many useful Film Industry web links as you can. Each week i will be pointing you into a different area of research and its important you can build up a database of websites to help you find information.

    My top 3 are on this post here:

    So to do this:

    4. Make a list of useful weblinks on your film industry page
    5. Copy and paste this list as a comment on this post (so that i can collate the links into a mega super amazing list for us all to share !)

    Easy !

  • Just as a little helpful reminder to those of you that weren't in or have forgotten:

    Wednesday (tomorrow) 11th of December:

    Your two film case study presentations need to be ready.

    Thursday 12th Dec.

    Magazine title designs and audience feedback needs to be presented on your blogs.

    Monday 16th Dec:

    Representation presentations will be given in lesson on Monday and Tuesday. Make sure you have a detailed presentation with lots of examples.

    Do not miss these deadlines !

  • http://prezi.com/d6gxmrt8rpdi/audiences-and-institutions-g322/

  • Representations of Ethnicity:

    1. Go to youtube and find the clip HOTEL BABYLON G321 (jan 10)
    2. Watch it and make notes as if you were in an exam
    3. Open quicktime and make a new screen recording of you and your partner talking about the representations on offer in the clip
    4. Export it  (save it) and upload it to your blog

    Extension: Find your own clip from TV drama to analyse and explain the representations