• The Bechdel Test: In real life:


    "You expect movie ratings to tell you whether a film contains nudity, sex, profanity or violence. Now cinemas in Sweden are introducing a new rating to highlight gender bias, or rather the absence of it.To get an A rating, a movie must pass the so-called Bechdel test, which means it must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man."

    So in Sweden movies have to pass the test in order to shown or made ! Maybe we should introduce that here in the UK? I don't think its going to happen though!

    The article above does raise some good points towards the end about the problems of using this kind of simple rule to decide whether a movie is 'good for gender' or not

    Will it make a difference? Who knows but at least it will make people think about the issue next time they go the cinema.

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