• Smashing the exam - AS EXAM HELP - Final Thoughts

    So judgement day is nearly upon you. Will it be age, gender, sexuality or any of the other topics ? Will they ask you about digital technology? Will they ask you about ownership or globalisation? The answer is it doesn't matter what they ask ... you are well prepared !!
    Just remember...

    Q1 : TV DRAMA :

    1. Keep you points succinct.
    2. Always make sure they are focussed on the representation at hand
    3. Must use a technical term (not general terms like "the sound" or "the editing") 
    4. You must discuss the common stereotypes but also the counter types on show
    5. Dont do 'waffly' intorductions (or any introductions really) 
    6. Must focus on all 4 areas equally. mise en scene - sound - editing - camera movement
    7. Dont rely on one thing in and don't repeat the technical terms (i.e don't keep mentioning camera shots.. for camera you could talk about shots length / angle / movement / focus)
    8. Talk about at least 4 different people
    9. DONT TELL THE EXAMINER WHAT HAPPENED (they have seen that clip thousands of times they know it better than you!) BUT DO TELL THEM HOW IT HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED USING TECHNICAL TERMS.


    1. Underline the key focus of the question.
    Write a fairly short introduction that generally answers the question and uses a quote and a film example.
    Present your case studies but only in relation to the question.
    Dont go off track. If the question doesn't ask about production don't talk about it, unless its related to your larger point
    Use lots of terminology.
    Use lots of examples of films (try and name 10 films in your exam)
    Make sure you are presenting an argument to the question at hand (Holly. vs Indie) etc 
    Conclude with an answer to the question and say how it might change in the future

    Voila! Success is yours. Walk out of the exam hall like a boss because you have just owned Media ! Go straight to Mr Sloan's classroom and hand him the £50 note you have been wanting to give him out of sheer thanks and gratitude for getting you this far.






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