• Russel Brand and the Revolution - Yr13 take note

    So then year 13s the time is now, just like that film we watched (The Wave) the time for your revolution has arrived... well maybe..if you believe Russel Brand that is :

    Seeing as our exam topic is about We Media and Democracy this is 1 really useful case study so follow this story as it progresses and make notes:


    "On 23 October, Russell Brand, one of Britain’s most controversial public figures, will be in conversation with Guardian columnist and political writer, Owen Jones, at the Emmanuel Centre in London.
    For the first time, in partnership with Picturehouse Cinemas, Russell Brand’s Guardian Live event will be broadcast live via satellite to over 200 cinemas around the UK. Audiences around the country will be able to watch the talk and join in the debate online and via Twitter. Watch the trailer.
    In his new book Revolution, Brand argues that the system isn’t working, that our governments are corrupt and the opposing parties are all pointlessly similar. Is there another way or is this just ‘the way things are’?
    For years, Brand has been taking on talk show hosts, Fox News fascists and BBC stalwarts and now, drawing on the likes of Orwell and Piketty, the comedian sets out his ideas for a brighter, fairer society. At this exclusive Guardian Live event, Brand will explain why he thinks revolution isn’t just possible, but inevitable.
    The event has now sold out, but you can watch it broadcast live to cinemas across the UK."

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