• Year 13 : Mock Exam preparation - Friday 12th December

    So whilst all this practical filming is going on it could be easy forget you also  need to be doing theoretical research and preparing notes for an essay based exam.

    our topic is 'WE-MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY' although i have been teaching you large parts of the media in the online age part of the course , as they are very closely linked and you need to know the context of the internet background stuff before you can go on to the democratic power of it.

    Some key themes you will need to discuss are:

    How big is the impact of the internet:
    How are people collaborating more?
    The change from consumer to 'pro-sumer'
    Theories such as wikinomics  and the long tail.
    What is democracy?
    How is the interent and new media more democratic than old media.
    The rise of Web 2.0
    Has the internet brought about more democratic changes (Lots of examples of this)
    The problem with this view point. I.e why the internet hasnt changed anything
    etc etc

    So look down that list and think about writing a paragraph for eahc. What do you know leats about? What is proving a challenge ? This is where you need to go and research and find out facts and statistics, theories eveidence to give you things to talk about in the exam.

    Questions could be something like this : (you only choose one though !)

    We Media’ and Democracy

    “The media have become more democratic in recent years”. Using specific examples of mediaactivity from two media to support your answer, evaluate the accuracy of this statement.
    How new is the concept of ‘We Media’ ? Refer to at least two media in your answer.
    Section B Total [50]

    And to help you , from the markscheme for those questions the exam board said (as a very rough guide)...

    Indicative Content
    Candidates might explore web-logging and digital film uploading andsharing, or social networking. At a higher level, a critique of the notion of‘We Media’ is expected
    Indicative Content

    Candidates are likely to focus mainly upon contemporary examples suchas web-logging and digital film uploading and sharing, or social networking;however, the question demands some sense of the history of the idea ofthe democratic potential of the media, so may reference fanzines, pirateradio, pamphlets, etc. A high level response would be expected to beaccurate, detailed and show a sense of debate

    Ok so the previous post on this blog is a place to add good case study links. If you need any more guidance, help etc then let me know

    Good luck (i have emebedded an example essay below to help )

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