• Year 12 : Resources for your conclusions and intros

    Writing your essays is easy if you know a lot about your case studies, however you have to answer the question and present a discussion rather than a list of facts about your films. To do this you need to know about the current state of the industry.

    There are three great BBC radio documentaries here on the Film Industry  :

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b054pbwz#auto   (starts at 1:14)



    If i were you i would listen to all of them and make notes of interesting quotes, facts and things you can use to frame your arguments around your case studies. They will definitely give you some really interesting insights into the current state of the industry and what will happen in the future.

    Below are a selection of newspaper articles about the film industry that give differing opinions on teh state of the British film industry.




    And remember ... dont forget some stats from this :


    Now practice with my random essay question generator !

    password : media

    5 comments → Year 12 : Resources for your conclusions and intros

    1. According to the guardian, 2015 was one of the worst years for the film industry as the smaller film producers are self employed and need to make these films to make a profit. This is disappointing as 7% of British films achieved a gross box office of twice their cost of production. The rest failed to make a profit. According to the guardian, england benefits more from the injection of money provided by the Hollywood studios, which continue to make big films in the UK and without them our industry would likely be 'dead in the water'.

      However, the independent, contradicts what the guardian says, as the industry 'is booming', as it has been an extraordinary year for British-made feature films and television drama as crews have flocked to take advantage of generous tax credits, allowing the companies to spend more with less risk of failing into too much debt. The boom, which largely stems from the introduction of UK film tax relief in 2007, has helped underscore Britain’s reputation as a centre for production skills and special effects, which will eventually top hollywods.

    2. What is the state of the British Film Industry in 2015?

      Although Hollywood is greater than the British industry in a sense that, Hollywood has more money to get the latest resources such as, Arri Alexa cameras or CGI which have been used in Gravity which are rarely used in British films as they do not have enough money. However, in consequence to this, George Osbourne, the Chancellor of Exchequer is cutting the tax on film making which will later contribute to companies making more profit which will lead to an increase in the film making such as resources and equipment used. This will eventually lead to the UK film industry booming.

    3. The British Film industry has increased both attention wise and economically - e.g. there has been a 14% increase in film production spending since 2013. Award shows such as the BAFTAs are continuing to increase the recognition British films receive. This is supported by the 15.5% contribution the British film industry made in 2014 compared to the 2002 contribution of just 3.8%. A recent example of a British film is "Paddington Bear," which engrossed £131m for its family audience outside of an Hollywood film.

    4. In recent years the state independent films have improved.

    5. Anonymous said... 7 May 2015 at 11:56

      The current state of the british film industry is that its failing and therefore been over taken by Hollywood.Although many successful films such as gravity have been produced in Britain it seems that we are failing to produce successful films for the market.Additionally British films are rising and improving gradually but we are not reaching our audiences for example only 7% of british films achieved a gross box office of twice their cost of production.Therefore we can clearly see that british films are producing but not successful outcomes and this is used as a advantage by hollywood to promote their products.

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