• Year 12: Intro to magazines

    Task : Annotate 2 magazine covers with basic magazine terminology and upload them to your blogs.

    Try and find and describe the following terms:
    • Masthead
    • Fonts
    • Sell Lines
    • Anchoring Text
    • Mode of Address
    • Sell lines / cover lines
    • Main Image
    • Headline
    • Top Banner
    • Bottom Banner
    • Tagline
    If you want a real test then try to find examples of :
    • Sycophantic language
    • Imagined communities

    2 comments → Year 12: Intro to magazines

    1. Sir I updated my blog

    2. https://muluwerk.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=WUTw8U8BAAA.kBCLEagYpH3IUp4tJOI3fnJf9dnXXouUcPrtpPeyhy_Si82koMAaKOW3arh8Sc-cTGwCdoaGHro0K4wgky6ZtA.FCCXfqhzffkz2NsOb2CRhQ&postId=8007512947213626075&type=POST

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