• Capitalism V s Socialism

    Students complete an individual powerpoint  / Prezi presentation on either Capitalism or Socialism.  They have one hour and must include:
    1. Definition.
    2. Outline of main ideas
    3. Three quotes from famous theorists /academics
    4. Advantages
    5. Disadvantages
    6. The role of the Media within the system
    7. Their personal opinion (and reasoning) about whether they support its ideas. 
    8. Images / video if possible.
    This needs to be done for the end of the day

    YEAR 13: HOMEWORK - due Wednesday
    Watch the video above (yes all of it!) Michael Moore's Capitalism : A love Story, In the comments below write down 6 examples that are used in the film to make the point that capitalism isn't very good, or fair, or corrupt, or annoying or.. oh you get the idea!

    2 comments → Capitalism V s Socialism

    1. http://prezi.com/eie2-owhhvzl/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

    2. hashtag-MASKED.blogspot.co.uk

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