• Homework update !

    Right yr12. you are seriously not going to get a good grade in this exam unless you complete easy homeworks like the one i set you last lesson. I know i'm not in school to shout at you but i can still insult you over the internet!!

    If that doesn't work i could try bribery.. if all of you post up a response to the tv drama analysis task i set you last lesson i will put a photo of my new baby daughter !

    Get it done please !

    1 comments → Homework update !

    1. Emma Brickwood
      AS Media
      Mr Sloan


      Throughout the short extract of Doctor Who, there is an effective use of editing and sound which is used throughout the extract.

      There is use of a score; the music that is played indicates that the man is in power and dominant against the other characters. As we are looking up to him, this connotes that we as the audience are powerless towards him and the female character walking in has to look up to him too which could signify that she has come to him to gather power and to earn the dominance that he has. As she is walking in the tracking camera lets the audience and the viewers see from her facial expressions, how worried she is this shows that she is looking at her crew for encouragement and strength to go to the doctor. This could connote to us as an audience that predominantly women are represented as weak humans and when they enter the big world they need help, which isn’t true. Also as the male character is higher up and the lady character is lower down on the floor, this signifies that men are more powerful than women.

      Throughout that whole scene there is use continuity editing, the effect of this indicates how all the characters within the scene act and it also shows an insight to what their character is. Furthermore there is effective use of a shot-reverse shot, where Martha and the man are talking, and the shot was effective as it allows the audience to see how Martha is feeling at that stage.

      When Martha starts speaking again the scene gets a big strange and different, from the effective use of a close up it allows the viewer and audience to see the change amongst her face through her facial expressions as she looked really worried and scared, but now she looks very confident. As Martha speaks she is in a high-angle, the audience can see that she has more knowledge than the man, her power is then shown when she stands up to the man, this connotes that men are not just the powerful ones, women are too. In addition there is then a close up of the stopwatch which is ticking, this could portray how much time they have left and also how Martha has it all under control. In contrast there is then use of the fade to white editing which reinforces how clever she actually is and then she narrates what she accomplished in the past.

      The sound bridging is used effectively to show the loss of power that the man has when the Doctor rises up where he is framed in a one shot, the shot signifies how he is alone considering the other characters are shown within two shots.

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