• Year 12 : cover work - period 5 - 29/01

     Ok then because of the brilliant A grade students that you are; you have 1 hour (i am trusting you to time yourself here) to watch the clip 4 times, make notes and then write your response, but just focusing on sound and editing. 

    How does the clip use Sound and editing to construct representations of gender?

    Good luck (if your really keen for some feedback. You could write your response and leave it as a comment on this blog)

    Nice one

    Daddy Sloan!!

    1 comments → Year 12 : cover work - period 5 - 29/01

    1. A death of one is a birth of another,
      a baby born into this world pure and happy
      you should be proud of the achievement
      because a lot of people are asking and not getting
      but you giving birth to this baby will make
      you and someone else happy in the future.
      You might think nobody cares but I care.
      Congratulation on your new born baby girl (Maya sloan )

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