• Year 13: Capitalism Vs Communism you decide

    Amazing work today comrades:

    Capitalism! from Mr Sloan on Vimeo.

    COMMUNISM from Mr Sloan on Vimeo.

    HOMEWORK: i am going to post a video i want you all to watch about Naomi Klein's seminal book 'No Logo'. You should definitely read this book if you get the chance as it will probably stop you ever going to starbucks or primark ever again.

    I have also given you an extract form the book and some questions i want you to answer for homework.

    You can actually all watch this documentary as well for your homework. Its the full feature length documentary by Michael Moore; Capitalism a love story.

    Annnnnnnnndddddddd.......if you are really interested in just how bad all the corporations are you could watch this..... another brilliant documentary from 2003

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