• Year 12: film industry questions

    This week's question is: 

    A quick essay plan for the ownership question is below :

    How does ownership effect the film industry?

    Intro:  What is ownership? How is Hollywood structured generally? How is the Uk film industry structured generally ? How successful are these approaches ? Who dominates overall ?

    Case studies: Paragraphs about:
    1.      Production budgets 
    2.      Vertical integration
    3.      Horizontal integration
    4.      Synergy / Partnerships
    5.      Globalised structures
    6.      Access to technology?
    7.      Marketing differences because of structure:

    British independent:
    1.      Production budgets 
    2.      Vertical integration
    3.      Horizontal integration
    4.      Synergy / Partnerships
    5.      Globalised structures
    6.      Access to technology?
    7.      Marketing differences because of structure:

    Do you think there is anything smaller uk films can do to combat this domination? What ? GIVE EXAMPLES

    2 comments → Year 12: film industry questions

    1. Still don't understand the question!

    2. What is the max budget that a uk film should have to make our case study?

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