• Year 12: update 24th March 2016

    Hi guys now unfortunately i'm not in today due to being struck down with a crazy flu bug yesterday afternoon, which i am blaming on the dodgy peanuts that Diana gave me. Anyway I can't make it in but that doesn't mean that your deadline does not apply. Today you have a double lesson and i will be checking from my sick bed at around 3.30pm today you should have on your blog :

    1 front page
    1 contents page
    1 double page spread

    It's really important that we meet this deadline as we still have a big evaluation to write (details of which i will post up here over the easter break)

    OK good luck and work hard!

    2 comments → Year 12: update 24th March 2016

    1. Can my writing by 14pt?

    2. Do you mean for your DPS? no not really the bulk of your article should be 10pt i reckon

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